Retterath church records
1734 - 1770
389 | 1734 | 26 Jan. | Adamus Hoff, Mannebach Maria Lentzin, Liersthal |
26 Jan. | Joannes Kremer Gertrudis Simonis |
9 Feb. | Joannes Adamus Theisen Margaretha Diederichs |
16 Feb. | Matthias Gilgenbach, Retterath Catharina Schmitz, Diechscheid |
17 Ma˙ | Petrus Joannis Parochians Anna Marie Thömmes, Obereltz |
26 8bris. | Nicolaus Muller, Lierstahl Maria Schmitz, Obereltz |
26 8bris. | Petrus Zimmer, Retterath Margaretha Kier? |
26 8bris. | Jacobus Schmitz Anna Catharina Bommers, Retterath |
390 | 1735 | 25 Jan. | Petrus Mies, Annham Margaretha _______, Salcherath |
Nicolas Jax, Arbach Maria __________, _______ |
Nicolaus Michaels, Obereltz Margaretha Hansen |
Petrus Michaels Anna Maria Leinsersamez?, Obereltz |
Matthias Gundert, Arbach Margaretha Frantsen, Mannebach |
31 Jan. | Petrus Einig, Salcherath Margretha Jax, Liersthal |
_________ Einig, Salcherath Gertrudis _____, Retterath |
Michael _____, Mannebach Catharina _____, Hunderbach |
Michael Lenard, Hart Vallo Anna Zimmers, Retterath |
2 Feb. | Petrus Schneider, Obereltz Maria Gertrudis Roch, Obereltz |
391 | 1735 | Petrus Fastor, ______ Maria Mand, ______ |
13 Aug. | Joes Hansen, Liersthal Maria Karstin, Obereltz |
_____________________ Elisabetha Knupers, Mannebach |
23 9 Bris. | Matthias Kreifer Maria Webers, Mannebach |
391 | 1736 | Petrus Schmit, Obereltz _______ Schmit |
Stephanus Jax, Bern_____ Elisabetha Hermes, Retterath |
9 8br. | Joannes Diederichs Maria Elisebetha Schneiders, Obereltz |
9 8br. | Joannes Schneider Anna Maria Hansens, Obereltz |
27 Nov. | Joannes Gundert Barbara Kramer, Arbach |
392 | 1737 | 23 Jan. | Michael Gondert, Arbach Catharina Michels, Obereltz |
29 Jan. | Petrus Werhan Margaretha Levenheims, Lierstall |
29 Jan. | Nicolaus Schmitz Maria Wilhalmi, Liersthal |
5 Feb. | Antonius Diederichs Gertrudis Jax, Liersthal |
10 Feb. | Matthia Baur Maria Schmit |
Paulus Einig Magdalena Werhahn, Retterath |
18 Feb. | Petrus Jax Anna Maria Knipers, Mannebach |
19 Feb. | Joannes Schneider, Berenborn Anna Maria Diederichs, Colberath |
393 | 1737 | 14 Feb. | Stephanus Muller, Arbach Maria Schmitz, Liersthal |
4 Jun. | Nicolaus Lanser Catharina Jax |
4 Jun. | Jois Michael Michaels, Obereltz Anna Gertrudis Jax, Liersthal |
25 Jun. | Carolus Schmit, Retterath Elisebetha Krachen |
17 9br. | Oswaldus Gundert, Arbach Anna Schmitz, Mannebach |
393 | 1738 | 14 Jan. | Thomas Ottho, Oberevelschenbach Margaretha Schneiders, Obereltz |
21 Jan. | Joes Jacobus Gilgenbach, Retterath _____________________ |
28 Jan. | Matthias Laux, Mannebach Johannetha Diederichs, Colverath |
394 | 1738 | 28 Jan. | Joannes Wilhelm Catharina Schmitz, Liersthal |
4 Feb. | Paulus Diederichs, Liersthal Agnes Wetlich, Meiserich |
Reinardus Boor, Schimbach Anna Margaretha Burg, Retterath |
6 Ma˙ | Bernardus Pusch, Retterath Anna Jax, Arbach |
2 Jul. | Joannes Petrus Gilgenbach,
Retterath Catharina Diederichs, Durnbach |
25 9br. | Nicolaus Stephens Maria Catharina Wilhelm, Liersthal |
395 | 1739 | 5 Jan. | Matthias Jax, Liersthal Margaretha Diederichs, Retterath |
Nicolao Lanswer, Obereltz Joi Jacobo Diederichs |
27 Jan. | Emmericus Schneider Susanna Bertrams, Mannebach |
20 Apr. | Jois Hansen Anna Gertrudis Petri |
11 8br. | Nicolaus Schneider, Luxem Maria Catharina Diederichs, Obereltz |
396 | 1740 | 4 Feb. | Petrus Simonis, Colberath Gertrudis Frantzen, Mannebach |
27 Feb. | Jois Jacobus Diederichs, Durbach Maria Catharina Kuffenheims, Liersthal |
29 Feb. | Jacobus Diederichs Maria Gilgenbachs |
24 Apr. | Matthias Gilgenbach, Retterath Maria Gerhartz, Arbach |
29 Ma˙ | Joannes Haubrich, Mannebach Maria Morsch, Colverath |
397 | 1740 | 31 Ma˙ | Nicolaus Jax, Liersthal Anna ______ |
31 Ma˙ | Petrus Thommes, Obereltz Margaretha Jax, Liersthal |
9 Jun. | Antonius Haubrich, Lierstal Magdalena _______, _______ |
397 | 1741 | 26 Jan. | Petrus Schaffer, Retterath Eva Schmitz, Obereltz |
30 Jan. | Jacobus Hoff, Retterath Maria Margaretha Diederichs, Retterath |
398 | 1741 | 7 Feb. | Albertus Tillman Anna Maria _______ |
1 Ma˙ | Franufius Miesen Catharina Jax |
25 ____ | Julius Jois Haubrich, Liersthal Anna Margaretha |
398 | 1742 | 22 Ma˙ | Joannes Diederichs Elisebetha Schneiders, Obereltz |
399 | 1742 | 17 Jul. | Bartholomaus Diederichs Maria Bargs, Retterath |
25 Oct. | Nicolaus Muller, Lierstal Catharina Wegler, Eppenberg |
27 Nov. | Jacobus Harig, Arbach Anna Maria Simonis |
399 | 1743 | Joannes Schmitz, Gondert Gertrudis Diederichs, Mannebach |
400 | 1743 | 18 Jun. | Jacobus Clasen, Capperich Gertrudis Kricken |
17 7br. | Petrus Michels, Obereltz Maria Diederichs |
Jacob _______, Arbach Gertrudis Diederichs, Liersthal |
17 7bris. | Mathia Emmerichs Joanne Diederichs |
401 | 1743 | 29 7br. | Joannus Trap Maria Schneiders |
Joannes Jax Anna Maria ________ |
19 9br. | Joannes Hansen Lucia Diederichs, Obereltz |
19 9br. | Theodoro Gilgenbach, Retterath Margaretha Diederichs, Obereltz |
402 | 1744 | 28 Jan. | Joes Petrus Simonis, Colverath Susanna Schmit, Retterath |
4 Feb. | Nicolaus Mertes, Mannebach Catharina Leonards, Berenborn |
11 Feb. | Bartholomaus Schmitt, Caleborn ________________________ |
19 Ma˙ | Oswaldus Mand Barbara Jax, Retterath |
403 | 1744 | 19 Ma˙ | Petrus Paulo Gertrudis Emmerichs, Colberath |
7 Jul. | Joannes Schmit Maria Karst, Obereltz |
7 Jul. | Petrus Michaels, Obereltz Catharina Schmid, Eppenberg |
7 Jul. | Joes Michaels, Obereltz Lucia Theisen, Eppenberg |
1 9br. | Stephanus Pusch, Arbach ______________________ |
404 | 1744 | 10 9br. | Matthias Emmerich, Colberath Maria Gertrudis Hoffs, Retterath |
404 | 1745 | 16 Feb. | Remiguis Jax, Retterath Anna Diederichs, Durbach |
23 Feb. | Joes Haubrich, Lierstal Maria Baurs, Mannebach |
4 Ma˙ | Matthias Haubrich, Arbach Susanna Diederichs, Mannebach |
405 | 1745 | 12 8br. | Joannes Emmerichs, Berenborn Anna Lauxin, Mannebach |
______ | Joannes Laux Catharina Merten, Mannebach |
405 | 1746 | 14 Feb. | Petrus Schmitz, Retterath Gertrudis Pauls, Colverath |
11 Apr. | Matthias Diederichs Margaretha Haubrichs, Mannebach |
7 Ma˙ | Matthias Simonis, ________ Gertrudis Schneiders, Lierstal |
406 | 1747 | 21 9br. | Oswaldus Termus Maria Hoffs, Retterath |
406 | 1748 | 6 Feb. | Matthias Schmit Catharina Michaels |
6 Feb. | Matthias Miesen Gertrudis Michaels |
7 Feb. | Petrus Laux Anna Kreisers, Mannebach |
13 Feb. | Jois Mertes Margaretha Diederichs, Mannebach |
407 | 1748 | 13 Feb. | Paulus Theisen Anna Clasin, Mannebach |
20 Feb. | Antonius Bertram Maria Frantzen, Mannebach |
13 Ma˙ | Theodorus Schmit, Retterath Lucia Wageners, Colverath |
27 Ma˙ | Theodorus Gilgenbach Gertrudis Einig |
27 Ma˙ | Joannes Emmerichs, Berenborn Maria Michaels, Obereltz |
408 | 1748 | Joes Henricus Schneiders Clara Schmitz, Colverath |
25 7br. | Matthias Kramer Ann Gerhartz, Arbach |
15 8br. | Theodorus Thomas, Lierstal _________________ |
26 9br. | Oswaldus Gundert Maria Karst |
409 | 1749 | 7 Jan. | Matthias Huth, Colverath Margaretha Schmitz, Obereltz |
4 Feb. | Michael Simonis Anna Pauls, Colverath |
4 Feb. | Nicolaus Diederichs Barbara Bertrams, Mannebach |
11 Feb. | Matthias Jax, Durbach Eva Schneiders, ________ |
410 | 1749 | 11 Feb. | Matthias Haubrich Susanna Jacobs, Mannebach |
15 Ma˙ | Matthias Emmerichs, Berenborn Maria Gertrudis __________, Mannebach |
20 Ma˙ | Joannes Diederichs Anna Maria Schneiders, Obereltz |
9 Sep. | Matthias Hoff, Mannebach Gertrudis Leonar_____, Bereb |
411 | 1749 | 4 9br. | Matthias Schmitz, Colberath Catharina Carlo, Berenborn |
411 | 1750 | 13 Jan. | Leonardus Knuper Catharina Emmerichs |
27 Jan. | Nicolaus Diederichs, Lierstal Maria Catharina Keimers, Arbach |
Joannes Thiesen, Eppenberg Maria Diederichs, Lierstal |
27 Jan. | Joes Michaels, Obereltz Catharina Jax, Mannebach |
412 | 1750 | 27 Jan. | Franciscus Schmit, Retterath Catharina Stephens |
412 | 1751 | 12 Jan. | Christophorus Sabel Margaretha Weber, Mannebach |
19 Jan. | Petrus Schmit, Mannebach Maria Frantzen |
9 Feb. | Stephanus Pusch Anna Kramers, Arbach |
413 | 1751 | 10 Feb. | Petrus Diederichs, Durbach Gertrudis Adorffs, Kirnberg |
11 Ma˙ | Joannes Hoffman Barbara Haubrich, Mannebach |
Matthias Haubrich, Boos Maria Hermes |
Antonius Juncker, Kernpenich Anna Gertrudis, Retterath |
16 9br. | Stephanus Jax, Arbach Catharina Thomas |
414 | 1752 | 25 Jan. | Petrus Simonis, Colverath Gertrudis Karst, Obereltz |
25 Jan. | Matthias Haubrich Maria Barbara Hoff, Mannebach |
26 Jan. | Joes Petrus _______, Mannebach Catharina Lambert, _______ |
31 Jan. | Nicolaus Diederichs, Durbach Catharina ______, Retterath |
Joannes Nicholaus Werhahn,
Retterath Anna Margaretha Antonis |
415 | 1752 | Paulus Theisen, Mannebach Gertrudis Webers |
20 Jun. | Nicolaus Karst, Obereltz Anna Jax, Cörsthal |
416 | 1752 | 28 Aug. | Petrus Karst, Obereltz ______________________ |
416 | 1753 | 30 Jan. | Petrus Peters, Lierstall Margretha Stephens, Mannebach |
417 | 1753 | 30 Jan. | Joannes Jax, Arbach Magdalena Webers, Bernborn |
6 Feb. | Nicolaux Laux, Mannebach Margretha Wagener, Obereltz |
20 Feb. | Jacob Schaffer, Retterath Anna Pungs, Virnenburg |
418 | 1753 | 27 Feb. | Joannes Jager, Obereltz Margretha Karst, Obereltz |
Michel Kramer, Arbach Margretha _______, ______ |
19 9br. | Matthias Morsch Gertrudis Clasen, Mannebach |
419 | 1753 | 20 9br. | Oster Wagener, Lierstall Maria Catharina Nicola Diederichs, Arbach |
419 | 1754 | 8 Jan. | Joannes Weiners Elisabetha Catharina Sabel, Retterath |
420 | 1754 | 29 Jan. | Matthias Bertram, Mannebach Maria Diederichs, Mannebach |
Matthia Bertram and Gertrudis | |
5 Feb. | Joannes Harig, Arbach Maria Werhahn, Villa Treirensi Retterath |
Jacobi Harig and Margaretha Jois Werhahn and Anna Maria |
421 | 1754 | 5 Feb. | Petrus Keffenheim, Lierstall Susanna Schmidt, Retterath |
Petri Keffenheim and Maria Jois Schmidt and Catharina |
Antonius Marx, Alfflen Maria Keffenheim, Lierstall |
Matthia Marx and Elisabetha Petri Keffenheim and Maria |
422 | 1754 | 12 Feb. | Nicolaus Kugels, Mimbach Susanna Haubrich, Durbach |
Jois Kugels and Catharina Matthia Haubrich |
13 Feb. | Antonius Peters, Lierstall Gertrudis Osters, Mannebach |
Theodori Peters and Joanna Pauli Osters and Gertrudis |
423432 | ***THESE PAGES DO NOT EXIT.*** | ||||
433 | 1754 (but it is really 1753) | 13 Feb. | Joannes Michels, Obereltz Anna Maria Peters, Obereltz |
Lucia Joannis Peters and Maria |
1753 | 2 8br. | Emmericus Paulus, Colberath Maria Boch |
Matthia Paulus and Margretha Stephani Boch and Clara |
433 | 1754 | 19 Feb. | Joannes Adam Bertram, Mannebach Anna Maria Jacobs, Mannebach |
Petri Bertram and Anna Matthia Jacobs and Catharina |
434 | 1754 | 19 Feb. | Nicolaus Peters, Obereltz Maria Diederichs, Lierstahl |
Joannus Peters and Maria Joannus Diederichs and Barbara |
14 Feb. | Jacobus Frantzen, Mannebach Anna Hesels, Kaldenborn |
Petri Frantzen and Margretha Henrici Hesel and Catharina |
435 | 1754 | 14 Ma˙ | Antonius Diederichs, Durbach Gertrudis Clasen |
Antonii Diederichs and Joanna Michaelis Clasen and Margretha |
8 8br. | Joannus Nicolaus Schmitz,
Retterath Maria Martha Ma˙ers |
Matthia Schmitz and Susanna Jaonnis Petri Ma˙yer and Elisabeth |
22 8br. | Matthias Rausch, Nachtsheim Anna Barbara Schneiders, Durbach |
Remigii Rausch and Anna Antonii Schneider and Getrudis |
436 | 1755 | 19 Jan. | Joannes Schmitz, Retterath Maria Ma˙er |
Franciscus Schmitz and Maria Antonii Ma˙er and Maria |
4 Feb. | Matthias Diederichs, Mannebach Maria Gertrudis Bertram |
Michaelis Diederichs and Anna Joannis Adami Bertram and Margretha |
437 | 1755 | 29 Apr. | Stephanus Clasen, Arbach Catharina Pusch, Retterath |
Jacobi Clasen and Catharina Bernardi Pusch and Barbara |
16 7br. | Antonius Clasen, Lierstahl Anna Keffenheims, Liersthall |
Petri Clasen and Maria Petri Keffenheim and Maria |
16 7br. | Petrus Schmitz, Lierstahl Maria Catharina Clasen |
Matthia Schmitz and Maria Nicolai Clasen and Anna |
438 | 1755 | 21 8br. | Petrus Bertram, Mannebach Maria Catharina Schmitz, Retterath |
Matthia Bertram and Gertrudis Matthia Schmitz and Susanna |
4 Feb. | Nicolaus Hoffmann, Lifsendorff Anna Burg |
Josephi Hoffman and _____ | |||
439 | 1755 | 27 Jan. | Matthias Wirth Anna Maria Carls, Bernborn |
Jois Wirth Stephani Carls |
21 Jan. | Jacobus Sturtz, Durbach Maria Peiffers, Alfflen |
Jacobi Sturtz and Catharina Petri Peiffers and Maria |
4 Feb. | Jois Adamus Haubrich, Mannebach Susanna Diederichs, Mannebach |
Matthia Haubrich and Anna Jois Diederichs and Gertrudis |
440 | 1755 | 4 Feb. | Joies Hermes, Retterath Maria Zimmer, Retterath |
Jacobi Hermes and Anna Maria Petri Zimmer and Margretha |
440 | 1756 | 3 Feb. | Matthias Stephens, Mannebach Gertrudis Hoff, Mannebach |
Nicolai Stephens and Christina Jois Hoff and Gertrudis |
27 Jan. | Matthias Peters, Durbach Margretha Osters, Mannebach |
Theodori Peters and Joanna Pauli Oster and Gertrudis |
441 | 1756 | 13 Feb. | Matthias Diederich, Arbach _________________________ |
Stephani Diederichs and Elisabetha | |
2 Mar. | _______________________ Lucia Diederichs |
Antonii Diederichs and Gertrudis |
5 8br. | Michael Lenardsd, Saagen Barbara Mandt, Retterath |
Cornelii Lenards and Anna Oswaldus Mandt |
442 | 1756 | 7 8br. | Henricus Dahler, Mannebach Maria Anna Raach, Malmundar |
Georgii Dahler and Maria Magdalena Francisci Raach and Margretha |
19 8br. | Nicolaus Muller Margretha Diederichs, Mannebach |
Bathagaris Muller and Catharina Michaelis Diederich and Anna |
23 9br. | Matthias Jax, Arbach Anna Diederichs |
Michaelis Jax and Catharina Pauli Diederichs and Maria |
443 | 1757 | 1 Feb. | Caspar Bertram, Mannebach Magdalena Schmitz, Bernborn |
Pauli Bertram and Maria Barbara Oswaldi Schmitz and Maria |
1 Feb. | Petrus Theisen, Mannebach Anna Jax, Mannebach |
Jois Adami Theisen and Margretha Petri Jax and Margretha |
15 Feb. | Nicolaus Schmitt, Mannebach Eva Theisen |
Stephani Schmitt and Gertrudis Petri Theisen and Maria |
444 | 1757 | 15 Feb. | Jois Schmitt, Mannebach Anna Maria Hoff |
Stephani Schmitt and Gertrudis Jois Hoff and Gertrudis |
18 Feb. | Jois Sturtz, Durbach Catharina Kaufmans, Anscham |
Jacobi Sturtz and Catharina Antonii Kauffmann and Catharina |
1 Feb. | Jois Jacobs Diederichs, Obereltz Anna Catharina Paulus |
Pauli Diederichs and Maria Petri Paulus and Anna Maria |
445 | 1757 | 8 9br. | Paulus Einig, Villa _______ Catharina Werhahn, Villa Treirsang |
Petri Einig and Margretha Petri Werhahn and Catharina |
446 | 1758 | 31 Jan. | Oswaldus Schmitz, Colberath Gertrudis Schmitt, Retterath |
Jois Schmitz and Joanna _____ Schmitt and Maria |
31 Jan. | Matthias Bertram, Retterath Susanna Ternus, Retterath |
Jois Bertram and Gertrudis Matthia Ternus and Susanna |
446 | 1758 | 7 Feb. | Jois Petrus Schmitz, Retterath Margretha Simons, Quittelbach |
Matthia Schmitz and Susanna Jois Simons and Gertrudis |
7 Feb. | Paulus Hoff, Mannebach Maria Margretha Huth |
Adami Hoff and Anna Theodori Huth and Barbara |
10 Ma˙ | Stephanus Mertes, Calenborn Gertrudis Schmitz, Durbach |
Georgii Mertes and Eva Oswaldi Schmitz and Maria |
6 Jun. | Franciscus Kirst_____, Ursfeldt Maria Catharina Diederichs, Mannebach |
Michaelis Diederich |
447 | 1758 | _____ 7br. | Hubertus Glagener Maria Catharina Kramers, Lierstahl |
Matthia Kramer | |
24 8br. | Jaobus Schmitz, Durbach Maria Laux, Mannebach |
Oswaldi Schmitz and Maria
Margretha Nicolai Laux and Gertrudis |
Nicolaus Michels, Obereltz Maria Theisens, Gondert |
Petri Michels and Catharina | ||||
448 | 1758 | 24 8br. | Matthias Michels, Gondert Christina Peters, Obereltz |
Jois Peters and Maria | |
24 8br. | Matthias Michels, Ursfeldt Maria Margretha Clasen |
Joi Schmitz and Elisabetha Jacobi Clasen and Catharina |
7 9br. | Jacobus Diederichs, Arbach Anna Maria Karst |
Petri Diederichs and Anna Petri Karst and Maria |
7 9br. | Petrus Jager, Obereltz Maria Catharina Jax, Lierstahl |
Matthias Jager Nicolai Jax and Anna |
449 | 1758 | 14 9br. | Jois Werhahn, Villa _______ Maria Wirtz, Retterath |
Jois Werhahn and Anna Maria Matthia Wirtz and Maria |
21 9br. | Jois Pusch, Arbach Margretha Schneiders, Obereltz |
Matthia Pusch and Elisabetha Jois Schneider and Anna Maira |
21 9br. | Petrus Kramer, Villa Solcherath Susanna Pusch, Retterath |
Jois Kramer and Gertrudis Bernardi Pusch and Barbara |
450 | 1758 | 24 9br. | Petrus Jax, Arbach Margretha Kramers, Villa Solcherath |
Nicolai Jax and Anna Maria Jois Kramer and Gertrudis |
27 9br. | Matthias Schaffer, Retterath Elisabetha Alfflen, Dichscheidt |
Petri Schaffer Henrici Alfflen |
27 9br. | Stephanus Kreuser, Bernborn Gertrudis Diederichs |
Antonni Kreuser and Catharina Joi Diederichs |
27 9br. | Paulus Kreuser,Bernborn Catharina Schottler |
Antonii Krueser and Catharina Nicolai Schottler |
451 | 1758 | 28 9br. | Jois Wagner, Liersthal Maria Diederichs, Liersthal |
Petri Wagner and Gertrudis Antonii Diederichs and Gertrudis |
28 9br. | Jois Morsch, Colberath Gertrudis Kramer. Villa Solcherath |
Emmericus Morsch and Maria Jois Kramer and Gertrudis |
1 Xbr. | Antonius Stephens, Lierstahl Magdalena Broost, Alfflen |
Nicolai Stephens and Catharina Jois Nicolai Broost and Catharina |
452 | 1759 | 23 Jan. | Matthias Pusch, Arbach Maria Huth, Colberath |
Stephani Pusch and Maria Matthia Huth and Susanna |
23 Jan. | Antonius Kreuser Gertrudis Pusch, Retterath |
Francisci Kreuser and Christina Bernardi Pusch and Anna |
31 Jan. | Matthias Lio, Mullenbach Gertrudis Gilgenbach, Retterath |
Remigii Lio and Catharina Theodori Gilgenbach |
31 Jan. | Jois Werhahn, Bernborn Gertrudis Diederichs, Colberath |
Petri Werhahn and Gertrudis Jois Diederichs and Maria |
453 | 1759 | 6 Feb. | Nicolaus Karst, Liersthal Maria Catharina Thoma, Ursfeldt |
Anna Karst Stephani Thomas and Anna Maria |
6 Feb. | Petrus Muller, Lierstahl Maria Elisabetha Emmerichs, Dunchenheim |
Nicolai Muller and Maria Gregorii Emmerichs and Magdalena |
6 Feb. | Jois Adamus Bertram, Mannebach Anna Maria Theisen, Mannebach |
Anna Maria Bertram Petri Theisen and Maria |
6 Feb. | Nicolaus Laux, Mannebach Maria Gertrudis Jax, Mannebach |
Nicolai Laux and Gertrudis Petri Jax and Margretha |
454 | 1759 | 6 Feb. | Jois Nicolaus Mandt, Retterath Maria Hoff, Mannebach |
Petri Mandt and Anna Adami Hoff and Anna |
6 Feb. | Petrus Schneider, Durbach Maria Einig, Villa Solcherath |
Antonii Schneider and Gertrudis Petri Einig and Margretha |
7 Feb. | Stephanus Folsbender, Hachtscheim Catharina Miesen, Retterath |
Petri Folsbender and Eva Francisci Meisen and Maria |
8 Feb. | Julianus LeRo˙ ***CANT READ THIS ONE*** | ||||
455 | 1759 | 13 Feb. | Matthias Wagner, Obereltz Maria Michels, Obereltz |
Oswaldi Wagner and Eva icolai Michels and Margretha |
20 Feb. | Jois Karst, Obereltz Catharina Jacobs, Calenborn |
Nicolai Karst and Catharina Petri Jacobs and Maria |
456 | 1759 | 9 Ma˙ | Petrus Grein Joanna Wagners, Colberath |
Petri Grein and Anna Maria Jois Wagner and Margretha |
15 Ma˙ | Petrus Peters, Mannebach Maria Catharina Osters, Mannebach |
Margretha Peters Pauli Oster and Gertrudis |
15 Ma˙ | Matthias Diederichs, Mannebach Veronica Argendorffs, Mullenbach |
Margretha Diederichs Sebastiani Argendorff and Gertrudis |
29 Ma˙ | Petrus Diederichs, Obereltz Catharina Bauer |
Pauli Diederichs and Maria Jois Petri Bauer |
457 | 1759 | 24 Jul. | Joannes Harig, Villa Trevirengi Maria Schaeffers, Arbach |
Maria Werhans Henrici Schaffer and Christima |
31 Jul. | Matthias Huth, Colberath Catharina Diederichs, Durbach |
Margretha Huth Nicolai Diederichs and Maria |
458 | 1759 | 21 Aug. | Nicolaus Hoffman, Lierstall Gertrudis Webers, Mannebach |
Anna Hoffman Petri Weber and Catharina |
2 8br. | Jacobus Conde Catharina Jax, Bernborn |
Stephani Jax and Elisabetha |
459 | 1759 | 23 8br. | Jacobus Hermes, Retterath Gertrudis Simons, Lierstahl |
Anna Maria Hermes Matthia Simons |
459 | 1760 | ___ Jan. | Matthias Gilgenbach, Retterath Margretha Wagners |
Jois Jacobi Gilgenbach and Maria Matthia Wagner |
5 Feb. | Matthias Jax, Mannebach Catharina Simons, Colberath |
Jois Jax and Maria Matthia Simon and Anna Maria |
460 | 1760 | 6 Feb. | Jacobus Diederichs, Mannebach Elisabetha Simon |
Maria Diederichs Jois Simon and Catharina |
12 Feb. | Jois Minderman, Bernbach Anna Diederichs, Arbach |
Jacobi Mindermann and Margretha Stephani Diederichs and Elisabetha |
12 Feb. | Petrus Schmitz, Obereltz Anna Gilgenbach, Mannebach |
Jois Schmitz and Maria Petri Gilgenbach and Maria |
461 | 1760 | 19 Feb. | Jois Schlagel, Kreimersburg Margretha Clasen, Mannebach |
Jois Jacobi Schlagel and Lucia Michaels Clasen and Maria |
19 Feb. | Petrus Meurer, Ursfeldt Anna Gertrudis Keffenheim, Liersthal |
Jacobi Meurer and Catharina Petri Keffenheim and Maria |
29 Apr. | Jacobus Sturtz, Durbach Maria Bauers, Linn |
Maria Sturtz Petri Bauer and Catharina |
462 | 1760 | 6 Ma˙ | Antonius Sturtz, Durbach Anna Clasen, Durbach |
Petri Sturtz and Maria Nicolai Clasen and Anna |
17 Jun. | Michael Lenards, Retterath Maria Diederichs, Mannebach |
Barbara Lenards Jois Diederichs and Gertrudis |
1 Jul. | Nicolaus Schneider, Obereltz Anna Maria Lanser, Obereltz |
Jois Schneider and Anna Maria Nicolai Lanser and Catharina |
463 | 1760 | 7 8br. | Petrus Mandt, Retterath Catharina Krein, Rollelbach |
Petri Mandt and Anna Wilhelmi Krein |
12 8br. | Antonius Kreuser, Bernborn Margretha Willems, Lendscheist |
Catharina Kreuser Jacobi Willems |
463 | 1761 | 27 Jan. | Nicolaus Schmitz, Bernborn Margretha Einig, Villa Solcherath |
Oswaldi Schmitz and Maria Petri Einig and Margretha |
464 | 1761 | 27 Jan. | Petrus Bertram, Hohnerbach Maria Paulus, Bernborn |
Jois Adami Bertram and Veronica Antonii Paulus and Magdalena |
7 Apr. | Joannes Schneider, Durbach Margretha Peters, Durbach |
Antonii Schneider and Gertrudis Matthia Peters |
12 Ma˙ | Joannes Leonardus Knupper,
Mannebach Christina Michels, Obereltz |
Matthia Knupper and Apollonia Petri Michels and Anna Maria |
465 | 1761 | 7 Jul. | Adamus Hermes, Retterath Maria Catharina Schwirzard, Munnich |
Jacobi Hermes and Anna Maria Michaelis Schwirzard and Anna Maria |
29 7br. | Matthias Pusch, Arbach Elisabeth Jax, Mannebach |
Matthia Pusch and Elisabetha Petri Pauli Jax and Anna Maria |
466 | 1761 | 21 Apr. | Petrus Clasen, Mannebach Anna Schaffers, Mannebach |
Michaelis Clasen and Catharina Matthia Schaffer and Margretha |
466 | 1762 | 22 Feb. | Stephanus Diederichs Barbara Bertram. Retterath |
Michaelis Diederichs and Anna
Maria Jois Bertram and Gertrudis |
467 | 1762 | 11 Ma˙ | Matthias Retterath, Linn Maria Schmitz, Liersthal |
Theodori Retterath and Catharina Nicolai Schmitz |
18 Ma˙ | Petrus Wagner, Obereltz Maria Catharina Gundert, Arbach |
Oswaldi Wagner and Eva Jois Gundert and Barbara |
8 Jul. | Oswaldus Wagner, Arbach Catharina Karst, Obereltz |
Maria Catharina Kramers Petri Karst and Maria |
468 | 1762 | 7 8br. | Petrus Huth, Colberath Catharina Lenhard, Ulmen |
Matthia Huth Scabini and Susanna Conradi Lenhard and Catharina |
468 | 1763 | 8 Feb. | Jois Diederichs, Arbach Catharina Gutreuters, Munnich |
Stephani Diederichs and Elisabetha Jois Gutreuters and Anna |
8 Feb. | Nicolaus Grein, Ursfeld Margretha Diederichs, Colberath |
Petri Grein and Anna Maria Jois Diederichs and Maria |
469 | 1763 | 4 Ma˙ | Jois Diederichs, Liersthal Anna Maria Kreuser, Mannebach |
Antonii Diederichs Scabini and
Gertrudis Matthia Kreuser and Maria |
15 9br. | Jois Jax, Mannebach Maria Werhahn, Villa Trevirengi |
Petri Jax and Margretha Jois Werhahn |
470 | 1762 (S/B 1763?) | 15 9br. | Petrus Werhahn, Villa Trevirengi Gertrudis Schmitz, Retterath |
Petri Werhahn and Catharina Oswaldi Schmitz |
470 | 1764 | 31 Jan. | Matthias Harig, Arbach Maria Gundert, Arbach |
Jacobi Harig and Margretha Jois Gundert and Barbara |
471 | 1764 | 1 Mar. | Petrus Schneider, Obereltz Maria Margretha Kreuser, Durbach |
Petri Schneider and Maria
Gertrudis Jois Jacobi Kreuser and Maria Catharina |
1 Mar. | Matthias Schmitz, Obereltz Gertrudis Gilgenbach, Mannebach |
Jois Schmitz and Maria Petri Gilgenbach and Maria |
472 | 1764 | 1 Ma˙ | Petrus Wagner, Arbach Maria Catharina Stephens, Mannebach |
Maria Catharina Gundert Jois Stephens and Margretha |
20 Ma˙ | Matthias Mertes, Mannebach Agnes Clasen, Mannebach |
Caroli Mertes and Maria Michaelis Clasen and Maria |
473 | 1764 | 22 Ma˙ | Michael Schaffer, Arbach Anna Catharina Gundert, Arbach |
Henrici Schaffer and Catharina Michaelis Gundert and Catharina |
31 Ma˙ | Matthias Schmitz, Bernborn Anna Webers, Mannebach |
Jois Schmitz and Anna Nicolai Weber and Veronica |
474 | 1764 | 14 Jun. | Joannes Ma˙er, Mosbrug Anna Catharina Zens, Colberath |
Margretha Ma˙er Henrici Zens |
16 7br. | Petrus Paulus, Colberath Maria Gertrudis Werhahn, Bernborn |
Matthia Paulus and Margretha Petri Werhahn and Gertrudis |
475 | 1764 | 2 8br. | Matthias Diederichs, Colberath Catharina Kreusers, Mannebach |
Joannis Diederichs and Maria Matthia Kreuser and Maria |
15 9br. | Joannes Zimmer, Retterath Anna Margretha Le˙, Beresheim |
Petri Zimmer and Margretha Joannis Le˙ and Margretha |
476 | 1765 | 5 Feb. | Stephan Jax, Arbach Anna Termus, Koederich |
Nicolai Jax and Anna Maria Reinhardi Termus and Anna |
18 Feb. | Nicolaus Schmitt, Mannebach Magdalena Mertes, Mannebach |
Eva Schmitt Jois Mertes and Margretha |
477 | 1765 | 19 Feb. | Joannes Wilhelmus Sabel, Molendino
prope Retterath Christina Diederichs, Mannebach |
Petri Sabel and Margretha Nicolai Diederichs and Maria |
10 Ma˙ | Matthias Karst, Obereltz Barbara Mullers, Liersthal |
Nicolai Karst and Catharina Stephani Muller and Maria |
478 | 1765 | 21 Ma˙ | Matthias Diederichs, Mannebach Catharina Bertram, Mannebach |
Joannis Diederichs and Anna Petri Bertram |
23 Jul. | Joannes Wagner, Obereltz Maria Margretha Harig, Arbach |
Oswaldi Wagner and Eva Jacobi Harig and Gertrudis |
479 | 1766 | 21 Jan. | Paulus Jax, Arbach Anna Maria Biersbach, Bermel |
Nicolai Jax and Anna Maria Nicolai Biersbach and Maria Catharina |
28 Jan. | Joannes Mandt, Retterath Catharina Michels, Obereltz |
Petri Mandt and Anna Nicolai Michels and Catharina |
480 | 1766 | 4 Feb. | Martinus Daub, Bell Anna Maria Heimburger, Bell |
Matthia Daub and Catharina Petri Heimburger and Anna Maria |
481 | 1766 | 4 Feb. | Joannes Jax, Mannebach Anna Diederichs, Mannebach |
Joannis Jax and Maria Joannis Diederichs and Anna |
23 Jun. | Niclas Dedrigo ***CANT MAKE OUT THIS ONE!*** |
Nicolai Diederigo and Anna | |||
482 | 1766 | 25 9br. | Gertrudis _________, Mannebach | Matthias Bertram |
482 | 1767 | 4 Feb. | ?? | ||
16 Feb. | Matthias Gundert, Arbach Anna Catharina Mullers, Mimbach |
Michaelis Gundert and Catharina Jois Muller and Magdalena |
483 | 1767 | 12 Ma˙ | Jacob Shieder, Ursfeldt Maria Hansen, Obereltz |
Matthias Weber, Bernborn Catharina Weber, Mannebach |
Jois Weber and Magdalena Nicolai Weber and Margaretha |
Nicolaus Krein, Colberath Anna Herman, Mannebach |
Petri Herman and Catharina | ||||
Petrus Hens, Mannebach Gertrudis Haubrichs |
Petri Hens and Catharina Antonii Haubrichs and Magdalena |
484 | 1767 | 24 9br. | Matthias Lanser, Obereltz Maria Laux, Mannebach |
Nicolai Lanser and Catharina Matthia Laux and Joanna |
24 9br. | Nicolaus Michels Margaretha Lanser |
Maria Michels Nicolai Lanser and Cath. |
24 9br. | Petrus Michels Agnes Lanser, Obereltz |
Jois Michels and Lucia Nicolai Lanser and Catharina |
485 | 1768 | 18 Jan. | Jacobi Azius, Mullenbach Maria Gother, Liersthal |
9 Feb. | Joes Weber, Colleborn Maria Sturtz |
Antonii Weber and Maria Jacobi Sturtz |
Matthias Retterath Anna Jax |
Remigii and Anna | ||||
31 Ma˙ | Matthias Kramer, Villa Solcherath Gertrudis Werhahn, Bernborn |
Jois and Gertrudis Kramer Petri and Gertrudis Werhahn |
486 | 1768 | 31 Ma˙ | Petrus Finig, Villa _____________ Gertrudis Mullers, Liersthal |
Petri Finig and Maria Stephani and Maria Mullers |
31 Ma˙ | Nicolaus Klein, Mannebach Barbara Daehlers, Mannebach |
Lucovici and Elisabetha Klein Jois Georgii and Magdalena Daehlers |
7 Jun. | Matthias Scaffer, Arbach Susanna Haerig |
Henrici Scaffer and Christina Jacobi and Gertrudis |
487 | 1768 | 7 Jun. | Petrus Thomas, Liersthal Gertrudis Jax, Liersthal |
Theodori and Maria Thomas Nicolai and Anna Jax |
Petrus Simon, Retterath Margaretha Werhahn, Villa ___________ |
26 ______ | Michael Kramer, Arbach Gertrudis Monsch |
Jois and Catharina Monsch | |||
488 | 1768 | 23 9br. | Petrus Hansen, Obereltz Elisabetha Jacobs |
Jois Hansen and Anna Pauli and Gertrudis Jacobs |
488 | 1769 | Jois Monsch, Villa _____ Margaretha Jax, Liersthal |
_____ Monsch and Catherine Matthia Jax and Maria |
Matthias Bertram, Retterath Maria Webers, Mannebach |
Susanna Bertram Nicolai and Veronica Webers |
489 | 1769 | Petrus Hansen, Manspath Anna Maria Michels, Obereltz |
Maria Gertrudis Jois Michels |
Jois Michels, Obereltz Catharina Diederichs, Liersthal |
Petri and Anna Maria Michels Jois and Catharina Diederichs |
10 Ma˙ | Matthias Schmitz, Colberath Anna Gertrudis Hoff, Mannebach |
Petri and Gertrudis Maria Hoff |
20 Jul. | Jois Nicolaus Schmitt, Mannebach Maria Catharina Diederichs |
Stephani and Gertrudis Schmitt Matthia Diederichs |
490 | 1769 | 1 Aug. | Joes Karst, Obereltz Catharina Wageners, Liersthal |
Petri and Gertrudis Wageners | |
1 Aug. | Nicolaus Schmitz, Obereltz Catharina Michels, Obereltz |
Jois and Maria Schmitz Anna and Jois Michels |
491 | 1770 | Jois Schmitt, _____heim ______ , Obereltz |
Jois Schmitt and Maria | ||
Remigius Jacobs, Mannebach Catharina Schneiders |
Matthia Jacobs and Catharina Jois and Maria Schneider |
27 Feb. | Nicolasum Michels, Obereltz Anna Margaretha Metzen, Monneal |
1 Ma˙ | Petrus Gundert, Arbach Maria Wageners |
Oswaldi Gundert and Anna Matthia Wagener |
492 | 1758? | 30 Jun. | ***Cannot read*** | ||
16 9br. | **CANNOT READ** | ||||
493 | ***MISSING*** | ||||
494 | 1756 | ***CANNOT READ*** | |||
495 | 1750 | ||||
495 | 1754 | ||||
495 | 1756 | ||||
496 | 1740 | ||||
496 | 1742 |